1. Facebook knows your face
To make you identify, the Facebook algorithm ended up compiling enough data on your face to recognize yourself on a photo with a percentage of certainty greater than 98%. So if you come across Facebook on the street, there's a way he can say, "Hi Thomas, are you okay?" "And that you subsequently begin a depression.
2. Facebook knows where you are when you're there, all the time
Messenger is directly connected to your location and knows in real time where you are. The info is not shared, but it is saved by the company, which can use it and then you refund the advertisement. Let us agree, eh, Google does the same with Maps and can give you your travel time between home and work without you ever stipulating where you were at home or your job, but it's Though terrifying.
3. Facebook makes you unhappy
The studies carried out on social networks and on Facebook in particular are without appeal: their use makes you more sedentary, less able to have visual relations and the permanent comparison that they involve with others tend to undermine self-esteem . Studies at Yale indicate in addition that the massive use of Facebook had a direct impact on mental health. Friendly.
4. Facebook creates a social and political bubble around you
Have you ever heard of the bubble, the phenomenon of learning from the outside world only what you already know? Facebook power maintenance 1000. The principle is this: your friends belong to the same circles as you and the media to which you subscribe reflect what you think of the world. We shake it all and HOP! Everything that comes out of Facebook is an illustration of oneself. In addition, the algorithm that works to show you things that will interest you analyzes what you click to offer you close contents, which further accelerates the phenomenon. And this is how people begin to think that the whole world is nothing but an avatar of themselves and no longer understand anything about society and politics. Welcome to Hell.
5. Facebook knows everything about you
Facebook knows: what you think politically in terms of what you read, your level of education, your level of income, what you look on the Internet, what you like, what authors you read, what movies you see, what Sites you visit, your level of intelligence, everything. And all that serves for what? To sell you stuff, buddy.
6. Facebook knows when you sleep
Via Messenger, Facebook is able to know when you are not active. Now, unless you spend long hours seated doing nothing while playing the king of silence, it is probable that the moment when you are least active is the moment when you sleep. From there to identify a lack of sleep or chronic insomnia to sell you a suitable mattress, huh, there is only one step. In my opinion, it has already been crossed.
7. Facebook even saves messages you delete
You want to send a good salty thing to an ex because you are drunk and that seems a good idea. Then, at the last moment, we change our minds, we erase everything and the next morning we are proud of ourselves.
Except that anything that was typed in Messenger or through the status, even what was not sent, has been kept by the company which does not stipulate it however in its statutes. All. Including metadata: the time the message was typed and geolocation.
8. The more you publish, the more Facebook earns money
The value of Facebook lies in the involvement of its users. The more you publish, the more you give value to the company. Because of this, Facebook wants to limit self-censorship and especially encourage you to publish all the time. Hence these questions to the con like "how is it going today? "As if you were going to be stupid enough to answer a computer.
But go ahead, eh, keep tirelessly releasing pictures of cats.
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