Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday launched a unified application to serve e-governance through mobile devices. Called Umang (Unified Mobile Application for New Age Governance), the app is developed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and the National Electronic Governance Division (NeGD) to provide services. various government agencies directly on mobile devices based on Android and iOS. The new offer emerged on the sidelines of the Fifth World Conference on Cyberspace (GCCS) in New Delhi.
" we launched the Umang mobile app, which will offer more than a hundred citizen-centric services, services that will be supported by many departments of the Union and state governments. in the functioning of these departments, "Prime Minister Modi said while addressing the GCCS audience.
The Umang app brings together a list of Digital India services, including Aadhaar, DigiLocker and PayGov. In addition, the app provides citizens with all major government services provided by the app, web, SMS and IVR channels. In terms of e-governance, citizens can use the Umang app to access their tax return, LPG bottle reservations and the provident fund account. Parents can also use the Umang app to access CBSE results. It has multilingual support with no less than 10 Indian languages in addition to Hindi and English and includes transaction access based on payments.
Unlike all third-party applications for accessing e-governance services, the Umang app supports Aadhaar and other authentication mechanisms such as your phone number and location to give you unique and ubiquitous access to all government services.
You must register your identity to start using the Umang app. The registration process begins with a one-time password (OTP) that will be generated on your provided mobile number. You will also need to pick a few security questions and fill in their answers that will help you recover the Umang account. Once you have completed the registration, the application will ask you to define an MPIN that will be used next to your mobile number to access the application.
In addition, the Umang app integrates social media that allow you to connect your Facebook, Google and Twitter accounts and enable the one-touch login process.
The interface of Umang application seems to be convenient for novices. Likewise, the app comes with features like favorites and push notification alerts to help you take advantage of the benefits of e-governance in the country. There is a support option available on the app to help citizens reach the experts for their doubts related to the application or its listed services. However, this option did not connect us with any of the agents at the time of our tests.
The Umang app is compatible with devices running Android 4.4 and higher and iOS 8.0 and later. In addition, you can make a missed call to 97183-97183 to get the download link for the app on your number.
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